Photo Pixel Filter

Pop Art Effect

Turn your photo’s into something that looks like pop-art with just a few clicks and tweaks. There are different ways to do it, feel free to experiment, the following steps will give you a possible approach:

  • Open a portrait photo and copy it to the composite viewer
  • Use noise reduction (or blurring) to get a great outline with the Edgework filter
  • The Edgework filter returns transparent values, use the Hue filter to correct
  • Use the Maximum Compositing filter to partially blend the original photo back in
  • Play with the tone curve settings to get the colors to your liking
  • Finally/optionally apply the Polkadot filter to get an “artsy” effect

That’s it!

Tip: Use Whitepoint or Color Monochrome to give it a totally different feel

Have fun!