ADS-B Radar – Notifications

JSON format explained

JSON format

Each notification contains a:

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Body
  • All ADS-B information as received from the aircraft.json file

The following notification titles are possible:

"High Activity Spotted"
"High Activity Spotted"

"ICAO Code Spotted"
"ICAO Code Spotted"

"Country Spotted"
"Country Spotted"

"Category Spotted"
"Category Spotted"

"Squawk Spotted"
"Squawk Spotted"

"Callsign Spotted"
"Callsign Spotted"

"Low Altitude Spotted"
"Low Altitude Spotted"

"High Altitude Spotted"
"High Altitude Spotted"

"Fast Descent Spotted"
"Fast Descent Spotted"

"Fast Ascent Spotted"
"Fast Ascent Spotted"

"Low Speed Spotted"
"Low Speed Spotted"

"High Speed Spotted"
"High Speed Spotted"

"Close Proximity Spotted"
"Close Proximity Spotted"

The subtitle will contain the value, for example +2500 fpm, and the body will contain the callsign & icao code.

Re-post Notifications to email, a PHP example:

The following example converts the JSON ADS-B Radar notification to an email using the title and subtitle as the subject, the body as the message and adds all aircraft.json information received:

Plain text
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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
// Get your unique API key from the ADS-B Radar App
// Use this to validate the JSON posts over https
$apiKey = 'example-571CDE61-C17F-4541';
// Note: The PHP 'mail' command needs to be supported by your web server/domain
$to_email = '';
$from_email = '';
// HTTP Verifications
if (strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) != 'POST') {
throw new Exception('Only POST requests allowed');
$content_type = isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) ? $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] : '';
if (stripos($content_type, 'application/json') === false) {
throw new Exception('Only content-type application/json');
// API Key Verification
$headers = apache_request_headers();
$validApiKey = false;
foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
if ($value == $apiKey) {
$validApiKey = true;
if (!$validApiKey) {
throw new Exception('Invalid API key');
// Read the input stream
$body = file_get_contents("php://input");
// Decode the JSON object
$object = json_decode($body, true);
// Throw an exception if decoding failed
if (!is_array($object)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to decode JSON object');
// Prepare the email notification
// Each notification has a title, subtitle and body
$subject = $object["title"] . " : " . $object["subtitle"];
$header = 'From: ' . $from_email;
$message = $object["body"] . "\r\n";
$message = $message . '-----------------' . "\r\n";
// Add all dump1090 info on the aircraft
foreach ($object as $key => $value) {
$message = $message . $key . ': ' . $value . "\r\n";
$message = $message . '-----------------' . "\r\n";
// Send the email
<?php // Get your unique API key from the ADS-B Radar App // Use this to validate the JSON posts over https $apiKey = 'example-571CDE61-C17F-4541'; // Note: The PHP 'mail' command needs to be supported by your web server/domain $to_email = ''; $from_email = ''; // HTTP Verifications if (strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) != 'POST') { throw new Exception('Only POST requests allowed'); } $content_type = isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) ? $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] : ''; if (stripos($content_type, 'application/json') === false) { throw new Exception('Only content-type application/json'); } // API Key Verification $headers = apache_request_headers(); $validApiKey = false; foreach ($headers as $header => $value) { if ($value == $apiKey) { $validApiKey = true; break; } } if (!$validApiKey) { throw new Exception('Invalid API key'); } // Read the input stream $body = file_get_contents("php://input"); // Decode the JSON object $object = json_decode($body, true); // Throw an exception if decoding failed if (!is_array($object)) { throw new Exception('Failed to decode JSON object'); } // Prepare the email notification // Each notification has a title, subtitle and body $subject = $object["title"] . " : " . $object["subtitle"]; $header = 'From: ' . $from_email; $message = $object["body"] . "\r\n"; $message = $message . '-----------------' . "\r\n"; unset($object["title"],$object["subtitle"],$object["body"]); // Add all dump1090 info on the aircraft foreach ($object as $key => $value) { $message = $message . $key . ': ' . $value . "\r\n"; } $message = $message . '-----------------' . "\r\n"; // Send the email mail($to_email,$subject,$message,$header); ?>

// Get your unique API key from the ADS-B Radar App
// Use this to validate the JSON posts over https 
$apiKey = 'example-571CDE61-C17F-4541';

// Note: The PHP 'mail' command needs to be supported by your web server/domain
$to_email = '';
$from_email = '';

// HTTP Verifications
if (strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) != 'POST') {
  throw new Exception('Only POST requests allowed');
$content_type = isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) ? $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] : '';
if (stripos($content_type, 'application/json') === false) {
  throw new Exception('Only content-type application/json');
// API Key Verification
$headers = apache_request_headers();
$validApiKey = false;
foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
    if ($value == $apiKey) {
        $validApiKey = true;
if (!$validApiKey) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid API key');

// Read the input stream
$body = file_get_contents("php://input");
// Decode the JSON object
$object = json_decode($body, true);
// Throw an exception if decoding failed
if (!is_array($object)) {
  throw new Exception('Failed to decode JSON object');

// Prepare the email notification
// Each notification has a title, subtitle and body
$subject = $object["title"] . " : " . $object["subtitle"];
$header = 'From: ' . $from_email;
$message = $object["body"] . "\r\n";
$message = $message . '-----------------' . "\r\n";
// Add all dump1090 info on the aircraft
foreach ($object as $key => $value) {
    $message = $message . $key . ': ' . $value . "\r\n";
$message = $message . '-----------------' . "\r\n";

// Send the email



Instead of an email, you could post a tweet, log to a database, blog, website, etc. The possibilities are endless.

JSON Format:

A typical JSON notification post could look like this:

Plain text
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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
"speed" : 486,
"nucp" : 6,
"lon" : 6.5828870000000004,
"subtitle" : "RYR6733",
"body" : "ICAO: 4ca8db",
"flight" : "RYR6733 ",
"hex" : "4ca8db",
"vert_rate" : 0,
"messages" : 2906,
"title" : "Callsign Spotted",
"lat" : 46.157913000000001,
"seen_pos" : 0.69999999999999996,
"track" : 354,
"squawk" : "1000",
"seen" : 0.10000000000000001,
"altitude" : 40000,
"rssi" : -34.100000000000001
{ "speed" : 486, "nucp" : 6, "lon" : 6.5828870000000004, "subtitle" : "RYR6733", "body" : "ICAO: 4ca8db", "flight" : "RYR6733 ", "hex" : "4ca8db", "vert_rate" : 0, "messages" : 2906, "title" : "Callsign Spotted", "lat" : 46.157913000000001, "seen_pos" : 0.69999999999999996, "track" : 354, "squawk" : "1000", "seen" : 0.10000000000000001, "altitude" : 40000, "rssi" : -34.100000000000001 }
  "speed" : 486,
  "nucp" : 6,
  "lon" : 6.5828870000000004,
  "subtitle" : "RYR6733",
  "body" : "ICAO: 4ca8db",
  "flight" : "RYR6733 ",
  "hex" : "4ca8db",
  "vert_rate" : 0,
  "messages" : 2906,
  "title" : "Callsign Spotted",
  "lat" : 46.157913000000001,
  "seen_pos" : 0.69999999999999996,
  "track" : 354,
  "squawk" : "1000",
  "seen" : 0.10000000000000001,
  "altitude" : 40000,
  "rssi" : -34.100000000000001

Depending on which ADS-B data is present in the aircraft.json file, the full notification might include:

Plain text
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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
// Original ADS-B
hex: String
squawk: String
flight: String
lat: Double
lon: Double
nucp: Int
seen_pos: Double
altitude: Int
vert_rate: Int
track: Int
speed: Int
messages: Int
seen: Double
rssi: Double
// Additional Info
alt_baro : Int
alt_geom : Int
gs: Int
ias: Int
tas: Int
mach: Double
track_rate: Int
roll: Int
mag_heading: Int
true_heading: Int
baro_rate: Int
geom_rate: Int
emergency: String
category: String
nav_qnh: Int
nav_altitude_mcp: Int
nav_altitude_fms: Int
nav_heading: Int
nav_modes: String
nic: Int
rc: Int
version: Int
nic_baro: Int
nac_p: Int
nac_v: Int
sil: Int
sil_type: String
gva: Int
sda: Int
// Notification
title: String
subtitle: String
body: String
// Original ADS-B hex: String squawk: String flight: String lat: Double lon: Double nucp: Int seen_pos: Double altitude: Int vert_rate: Int track: Int speed: Int messages: Int seen: Double rssi: Double // Additional Info alt_baro : Int alt_geom : Int gs: Int ias: Int tas: Int mach: Double track_rate: Int roll: Int mag_heading: Int true_heading: Int baro_rate: Int geom_rate: Int emergency: String category: String nav_qnh: Int nav_altitude_mcp: Int nav_altitude_fms: Int nav_heading: Int nav_modes: String nic: Int rc: Int version: Int nic_baro: Int nac_p: Int nac_v: Int sil: Int sil_type: String gva: Int sda: Int // Notification title: String subtitle: String body: String
// Original ADS-B
hex: String
squawk: String
flight: String
lat: Double
lon: Double
nucp: Int
seen_pos: Double
altitude: Int
vert_rate: Int
track: Int
speed: Int
messages: Int
seen: Double
rssi: Double

// Additional Info
alt_baro : Int
alt_geom : Int
gs: Int
ias: Int
tas: Int
mach: Double
track_rate: Int
roll: Int
mag_heading: Int
true_heading: Int
baro_rate: Int
geom_rate: Int
emergency: String
category: String
nav_qnh: Int
nav_altitude_mcp: Int
nav_altitude_fms: Int
nav_heading: Int
nav_modes: String
nic: Int
rc: Int
version: Int
nic_baro: Int
nac_p: Int
nac_v: Int
sil: Int
sil_type: String
gva: Int
sda: Int

// Notification
title: String
subtitle: String
body: String

An explanation of these codes is available here:


Notification based on Country name:

Countries of registration (based on ICAO code) are the following:

Plain text
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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
,[0x0CA000,0x0CA3FF,"Antigua and Barbuda"]
,[0x513000,0x5133FF,"Bosnia and Herzegovina"]
,[0x895000,0x8953FF,"Brunei Darussalam"]
,[0x09C000,0x09CFFF,"Burkina Faso"]
,[0x096000,0x0963FF,"Cape Verde"]
,[0x06C000,0x06CFFF,"Central African Republic"]
,[0x901000,0x9013FF,"Cook Islands"]
,[0x0AE000,0x0AEFFF,"Costa Rica"]
,[0x038000,0x038FFF,"Cote d'Ivoire"]
,[0x498000,0x49FFFF,"Czech Republic"]
,[0x720000,0x727FFF,"North Korea"]
,[0x08C000,0x08CFFF,"DR Congo"]
,[0x0C4000,0x0C4FFF,"Dominican Republic"]
,[0x0B2000,0x0B2FFF,"El Salvador"]
,[0x042000,0x042FFF,"Equatorial Guinea"]
,[0x900000,0x9003FF,"Marshall Islands"]
,[0xC80000,0xC87FFF,"New Zealand"]
,[0x898000,0x898FFF,"Papua New Guinea"]
,[0x718000,0x71FFFF,"South Korea"]
,[0x100000,0x1FFFFF,"Russian Federation"]
,[0xC8C000,0xC8C3FF,"Saint Lucia"]
,[0x0BC000,0x0BC3FF,"St Vincent and Grenadines"]
,[0x500000,0x5003FF,"San Marino"]
,[0x09E000,0x09E3FF,"Sao Tome and Principe"]
,[0x710000,0x717FFF,"Saudi Arabia"]
,[0x076000,0x0763FF,"Sierra Leone"]
,[0x897000,0x8973FF,"Solomon Islands"]
,[0x008000,0x00FFFF,"South Africa"]
,[0x770000,0x777FFF,"Sri Lanka"]
,[0x0C6000,0x0C6FFF,"Trinidad and Tobago"]
,[0x896000,0x896FFF,"United Arab Emirates"]
,[0x400000,0x43FFFF,"United Kingdom"]
,[0xA00000,0xAFFFFF,"United States"]
,[0x899000,0x8993FF,"Special use"]
,[0xF09000,0xF093FF,"Special use"]
[0x700000,0x700FFF,"Afghanistan"] ,[0x501000,0x5013FF,"Albania"] ,[0x0A0000,0x0A7FFF,"Algeria"] ,[0x090000,0x090FFF,"Angola"] ,[0x0CA000,0x0CA3FF,"Antigua and Barbuda"] ,[0xE00000,0xE3FFFF,"Argentina"] ,[0x600000,0x6003FF,"Armenia"] ,[0x7C0000,0x7FFFFF,"Australia"] ,[0x440000,0x447FFF,"Austria"] ,[0x600800,0x600BFF,"Azerbaijan"] ,[0x0A8000,0x0A8FFF,"Bahamas"] ,[0x894000,0x894FFF,"Bahrain"] ,[0x702000,0x702FFF,"Bangladesh"] ,[0x0AA000,0x0AA3FF,"Barbados"] ,[0x510000,0x5103FF,"Belarus"] ,[0x448000,0x44FFFF,"Belgium"] ,[0x0AB000,0x0AB3FF,"Belize"] ,[0x094000,0x0943FF,"Benin"] ,[0x680000,0x6803FF,"Bhutan"] ,[0xE94000,0xE94FFF,"Bolivia"] ,[0x513000,0x5133FF,"Bosnia and Herzegovina"] ,[0x030000,0x0303FF,"Botswana"] ,[0xE40000,0xE7FFFF,"Brazil"] ,[0x895000,0x8953FF,"Brunei Darussalam"] ,[0x450000,0x457FFF,"Bulgaria"] ,[0x09C000,0x09CFFF,"Burkina Faso"] ,[0x032000,0x032FFF,"Burundi"] ,[0x70E000,0x70EFFF,"Cambodia"] ,[0x034000,0x034FFF,"Cameroon"] ,[0xC00000,0xC3FFFF,"Canada"] ,[0x096000,0x0963FF,"Cape Verde"] ,[0x06C000,0x06CFFF,"Central African Republic"] ,[0x084000,0x084FFF,"Chad"] ,[0xE80000,0xE80FFF,"Chile"] ,[0x780000,0x7BFFFF,"China"] ,[0x0AC000,0x0ACFFF,"Colombia"] ,[0x035000,0x0353FF,"Comoros"] ,[0x036000,0x036FFF,"Congo"] ,[0x901000,0x9013FF,"Cook Islands"] ,[0x0AE000,0x0AEFFF,"Costa Rica"] ,[0x038000,0x038FFF,"Cote d'Ivoire"] ,[0x501C00,0x501FFF,"Croatia"] ,[0x0B0000,0x0B0FFF,"Cuba"] ,[0x4C8000,0x4C83FF,"Cyprus"] ,[0x498000,0x49FFFF,"Czech Republic"] ,[0x720000,0x727FFF,"North Korea"] ,[0x08C000,0x08CFFF,"DR Congo"] ,[0x458000,0x45FFFF,"Denmark"] ,[0x098000,0x0983FF,"Djibouti"] ,[0x0C4000,0x0C4FFF,"Dominican Republic"] ,[0xE84000,0xE84FFF,"Ecuador"] ,[0x010000,0x017FFF,"Egypt"] ,[0x0B2000,0x0B2FFF,"El Salvador"] ,[0x042000,0x042FFF,"Equatorial Guinea"] ,[0x202000,0x2023FF,"Eritrea"] ,[0x511000,0x5113FF,"Estonia"] ,[0x040000,0x040FFF,"Ethiopia"] ,[0xC88000,0xC88FFF,"Fiji"] ,[0x460000,0x467FFF,"Finland"] ,[0x380000,0x3BFFFF,"France"] ,[0x03E000,0x03EFFF,"Gabon"] ,[0x09A000,0x09AFFF,"Gambia"] ,[0x514000,0x5143FF,"Georgia"] ,[0x3C0000,0x3FFFFF,"Germany"] ,[0x044000,0x044FFF,"Ghana"] ,[0x468000,0x46FFFF,"Greece"] ,[0x0CC000,0x0CC3FF,"Grenada"] ,[0x0B4000,0x0B4FFF,"Guatemala"] ,[0x046000,0x046FFF,"Guinea"] ,[0x048000,0x0483FF,"Guinea-Bissau"] ,[0x0B6000,0x0B6FFF,"Guyana"] ,[0x0B8000,0x0B8FFF,"Haiti"] ,[0x0BA000,0x0BAFFF,"Honduras"] ,[0x470000,0x477FFF,"Hungary"] ,[0x4CC000,0x4CCFFF,"Iceland"] ,[0x800000,0x83FFFF,"India"] ,[0x8A0000,0x8A7FFF,"Indonesia"] ,[0x730000,0x737FFF,"Iran"] ,[0x728000,0x72FFFF,"Iraq"] ,[0x4CA000,0x4CAFFF,"Ireland"] ,[0x738000,0x73FFFF,"Israel"] ,[0x300000,0x33FFFF,"Italy"] ,[0x0BE000,0x0BEFFF,"Jamaica"] ,[0x840000,0x87FFFF,"Japan"] ,[0x740000,0x747FFF,"Jordan"] ,[0x683000,0x6833FF,"Kazakhstan"] ,[0x04C000,0x04CFFF,"Kenya"] ,[0xC8E000,0xC8E3FF,"Kiribati"] ,[0x706000,0x706FFF,"Kuwait"] ,[0x601000,0x6013FF,"Kyrgyzstan"] ,[0x708000,0x708FFF,"Laos"] ,[0x502C00,0x502FFF,"Latvia"] ,[0x748000,0x74FFFF,"Lebanon"] ,[0x04A000,0x04A3FF,"Lesotho"] ,[0x050000,0x050FFF,"Liberia"] ,[0x018000,0x01FFFF,"Libya"] ,[0x503C00,0x503FFF,"Lithuania"] ,[0x4D0000,0x4D03FF,"Luxembourg"] ,[0x054000,0x054FFF,"Madagascar"] ,[0x058000,0x058FFF,"Malawi"] ,[0x750000,0x757FFF,"Malaysia"] ,[0x05A000,0x05A3FF,"Maldives"] ,[0x05C000,0x05CFFF,"Mali"] ,[0x4D2000,0x4D23FF,"Malta"] ,[0x900000,0x9003FF,"Marshall Islands"] ,[0x05E000,0x05E3FF,"Mauritania"] ,[0x060000,0x0603FF,"Mauritius"] ,[0x0D0000,0x0D7FFF,"Mexico"] ,[0x681000,0x6813FF,"Micronesia"] ,[0x4D4000,0x4D43FF,"Monaco"] ,[0x682000,0x6823FF,"Mongolia"] ,[0x516000,0x5163FF,"Montenegro"] ,[0x020000,0x027FFF,"Morocco"] ,[0x006000,0x006FFF,"Mozambique"] ,[0x704000,0x704FFF,"Myanmar"] ,[0x201000,0x2013FF,"Namibia"] ,[0xC8A000,0xC8A3FF,"Nauru"] ,[0x70A000,0x70AFFF,"Nepal"] ,[0x480000,0x487FFF,"Netherlands"] ,[0xC80000,0xC87FFF,"New Zealand"] ,[0x0C0000,0x0C0FFF,"Nicaragua"] ,[0x062000,0x062FFF,"Niger"] ,[0x064000,0x064FFF,"Nigeria"] ,[0x478000,0x47FFFF,"Norway"] ,[0x70C000,0x70C3FF,"Oman"] ,[0x760000,0x767FFF,"Pakistan"] ,[0x684000,0x6843FF,"Palau"] ,[0x0C2000,0x0C2FFF,"Panama"] ,[0x898000,0x898FFF,"Papua New Guinea"] ,[0xE88000,0xE88FFF,"Paraguay"] ,[0xE8C000,0xE8CFFF,"Peru"] ,[0x758000,0x75FFFF,"Philippines"] ,[0x488000,0x48FFFF,"Poland"] ,[0x490000,0x497FFF,"Portugal"] ,[0x06A000,0x06A3FF,"Qatar"] ,[0x718000,0x71FFFF,"South Korea"] ,[0x504C00,0x504FFF,"Moldova"] ,[0x4A0000,0x4A7FFF,"Romania"] ,[0x100000,0x1FFFFF,"Russian Federation"] ,[0x06E000,0x06EFFF,"Rwanda"] ,[0xC8C000,0xC8C3FF,"Saint Lucia"] ,[0x0BC000,0x0BC3FF,"St Vincent and Grenadines"] ,[0x902000,0x9023FF,"Samoa"] ,[0x500000,0x5003FF,"San Marino"] ,[0x09E000,0x09E3FF,"Sao Tome and Principe"] ,[0x710000,0x717FFF,"Saudi Arabia"] ,[0x070000,0x070FFF,"Senegal"] ,[0x4C0000,0x4C7FFF,"Serbia"] ,[0x074000,0x0743FF,"Seychelles"] ,[0x076000,0x0763FF,"Sierra Leone"] ,[0x768000,0x76FFFF,"Singapore"] ,[0x505C00,0x505FFF,"Slovakia"] ,[0x506C00,0x506FFF,"Slovenia"] ,[0x897000,0x8973FF,"Solomon Islands"] ,[0x078000,0x078FFF,"Somalia"] ,[0x008000,0x00FFFF,"South Africa"] ,[0x340000,0x37FFFF,"Spain"] ,[0x770000,0x777FFF,"Sri Lanka"] ,[0x07C000,0x07CFFF,"Sudan"] ,[0x0C8000,0x0C8FFF,"Suriname"] ,[0x07A000,0x07A3FF,"Swaziland"] ,[0x4A8000,0x4AFFFF,"Sweden"] ,[0x4B0000,0x4B7FFF,"Switzerland"] ,[0x778000,0x77FFFF,"Syria"] ,[0x515000,0x5153FF,"Tajikistan"] ,[0x880000,0x887FFF,"Thailand"] ,[0x512000,0x5123FF,"Macedonia"] ,[0x088000,0x088FFF,"Togo"] ,[0xC8D000,0xC8D3FF,"Tonga"] ,[0x0C6000,0x0C6FFF,"Trinidad and Tobago"] ,[0x028000,0x02FFFF,"Tunisia"] ,[0x4B8000,0x4BFFFF,"Turkey"] ,[0x601800,0x601BFF,"Turkmenistan"] ,[0x068000,0x068FFF,"Uganda"] ,[0x508000,0x50FFFF,"Ukraine"] ,[0x896000,0x896FFF,"United Arab Emirates"] ,[0x400000,0x43FFFF,"United Kingdom"] ,[0x080000,0x080FFF,"Tanzania"] ,[0xA00000,0xAFFFFF,"United States"] ,[0xE90000,0xE90FFF,"Uruguay"] ,[0x507C00,0x507FFF,"Uzbekistan"] ,[0xC90000,0xC903FF,"Vanuatu"] ,[0x0D8000,0x0DFFFF,"Venezuela"] ,[0x888000,0x88FFFF,"Vietnam"] ,[0x890000,0x890FFF,"Yemen"] ,[0x08A000,0x08AFFF,"Zambia"] ,[0x004000,0x0043FF,"Zimbabwe"] ,[0xF00000,0xF07FFF,"ICAO"] ,[0x899000,0x8993FF,"Special use"] ,[0xF09000,0xF093FF,"Special use"] ,[0x200000,0x27FFFF,"AFI"] ,[0x280000,0x28FFFF,"SAM"] ,[0x500000,0x5FFFFF,"EUR/NAT"] ,[0x600000,0x67FFFF,"MID"] ,[0x680000,0x6FFFFF,"ASIA"] ,[0x900000,0x9FFFFF,"NAM/PAC"] ,[0xB00000,0xBFFFFF,"Unassigned"] ,[0xEC0000,0xEFFFFF,"CAR"] ,[0xD00000,0xDFFFFF,"Unassigned"] ,[0xF00000,0xFFFFFF,"Unassigned"]]
,[0x0CA000,0x0CA3FF,"Antigua and Barbuda"]
,[0x513000,0x5133FF,"Bosnia and Herzegovina"]
,[0x895000,0x8953FF,"Brunei Darussalam"]
,[0x09C000,0x09CFFF,"Burkina Faso"]
,[0x096000,0x0963FF,"Cape Verde"]
,[0x06C000,0x06CFFF,"Central African Republic"]
,[0x901000,0x9013FF,"Cook Islands"]
,[0x0AE000,0x0AEFFF,"Costa Rica"]
,[0x038000,0x038FFF,"Cote d'Ivoire"]
,[0x498000,0x49FFFF,"Czech Republic"]
,[0x720000,0x727FFF,"North Korea"]
,[0x08C000,0x08CFFF,"DR Congo"]
,[0x0C4000,0x0C4FFF,"Dominican Republic"]
,[0x0B2000,0x0B2FFF,"El Salvador"]
,[0x042000,0x042FFF,"Equatorial Guinea"]
,[0x900000,0x9003FF,"Marshall Islands"]
,[0xC80000,0xC87FFF,"New Zealand"]
,[0x898000,0x898FFF,"Papua New Guinea"]
,[0x718000,0x71FFFF,"South Korea"]
,[0x100000,0x1FFFFF,"Russian Federation"]
,[0xC8C000,0xC8C3FF,"Saint Lucia"]
,[0x0BC000,0x0BC3FF,"St Vincent and Grenadines"]
,[0x500000,0x5003FF,"San Marino"]
,[0x09E000,0x09E3FF,"Sao Tome and Principe"]
,[0x710000,0x717FFF,"Saudi Arabia"]
,[0x076000,0x0763FF,"Sierra Leone"]
,[0x897000,0x8973FF,"Solomon Islands"]
,[0x008000,0x00FFFF,"South Africa"]
,[0x770000,0x777FFF,"Sri Lanka"]
,[0x0C6000,0x0C6FFF,"Trinidad and Tobago"]
,[0x896000,0x896FFF,"United Arab Emirates"]
,[0x400000,0x43FFFF,"United Kingdom"]
,[0xA00000,0xAFFFFF,"United States"]
,[0x899000,0x8993FF,"Special use"]
,[0xF09000,0xF093FF,"Special use"]


Notifications will be issued once per aircraft

Each notification type will only be issued once per aircraft. For example, if an altitude has exceeded the notification setting, you will receive oneHigh Altitude Spotted” notification for this aircraft. After this notification no more high altitude warnings will be issued until it drops off the map (which will reset the notifications for this aircraft). If you have a lot of traffic, you might generate a lot of notifications, so take care …