ReadyNas Ping Service
LINUX ReadyNas 'Ping' Extension / Plug-In
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This is an add-on for the NETGEAR ReadyNAS. It runs as a service in the background and sends a single ping to a user specified IP address at a user specified interval. You can install and uninstall this add-on with the ReadyNAS Frontview web manager. Download the ‘.bin’ file to install via Frontview or alternatively the ‘.zip’ file if you would like to edit the source files yourself.
Installation procedure
- Open Frontview, click menu ‘System’ and ‘Update’ then click ‘Local’
- Choose the PingService_1.0.bin file from your computer
- Click upload and verify image
- Wait until the upload is completed, then click Perform System Update
- Click menu ‘Services’ and ‘Installed Add-ons’
- Enable the Ping Service, enter an IP address and interval, click ‘Save’
Some screenshots: