EasyPhpAlbum Lite
Quickest & Easiest Online PHP Album
The EasyPhpAlbum Lite PHP script is
EasyPhpAlbum Lite is a free, clean, fast, easy to navigate, and very easy to install online photo album for your website. All you have to do is to add a single small 30kB file to your photoalbum directory and your album is online! No configuration or editing is required. EasyPhpAlbum Lite is CSS based (no tables) and validates as W3C CSS and XHTML.
Check the live demo: EasyPhpAlbum Lite (version 2.3.3 June 2014)
The EasyPhpAlbum Lite PHP script is
XHTML 1.0 strict and CSS level 3 compliant!

Getting started:
- You need your own hosting provider
- Download and unzip the EasyPhpAlbum Lite file
- Create a directory on your webserver; for example ‘photoalbum’
- Upload your photos and the EasyPhpAlbum Lite file to this directory
That’s all!!
If you would like to organize your photos you can create as many directories and sub directories in the ‘photoalbum’ directory as you need. It is not necessary to copy the EasyPhpAlbum Lite file to the other directories, you only need it once in the top directory!
Info for the experts:
- The image filenames are cached for fast access and reduced load on the server
- You can also cache the menu structure for faster access and reduced load on the server
- The menu (directory) structure is determined by a recursive function
- The ‘Exit’ menu item will return the visitor to the referral page
- Thumbnails are saved in a ‘thumbs’ directory and modified to 0777 privileges (adjustable)
- The available memory to create thumbnails is automatically determined
- Photos which are too large to turn into thumbnails will not stop execution of the script
- Some of the settings can easily be modified by changing some variables at the top of the script
- Accepts special characters in directory -and filenames
- Visitors can adjust the album viewing size, add more columns or rows to best fit their screen
- Thumbnails are created on viewing request only (so max. 1 thumbnail page at a time)
- Large photos are reduced in viewing size to display properly on the page
- Uses inline images, degrades to characters for browsers without inline image support
- Albums are sorted alphabetically, the order of albums with subdirectories are determined by the server